
Scrimmage Play’s Teacher Appreciation Week contest

Since it’s Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to hear from students about a teacher that’s touched their life in some way big or small. We’re going to pick from those stories a few to write about in an upcoming digital edition and one winner will take home gift cards for both the student and the teacher.


I’ll start. For me, it was Mrs. Susan Buchanan, my journalism teacher who played an integral role in helping me find confidence as a writer and gave me the freedom to write a food column that for some inexplicable reason had a picture of me wearing a chef’s hat while holding a huge spoon. Still, she later came to my wedding and has helped keep me headed in the right direction for years.


You can email us at bart@scrimmageplay.com or post a comment with the story through Facebook below. Or mention us in a tweet or two or three about the teacher (@scrimmageplay). However you want to get the story or thank you to us is fine by us.


While you’re thinking of who you’d like to thank, join our email list by clicking below. You’ll receive special offers, bonus content and generally help the Scrimmage Play cause.

